Sean Blinn

Board President, Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House, Bedminster NJ 2013

"Donna did extensive work for the Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House, of which I am President, and I could not be more satisfied with the results of her work.

Donna has an extensive knowledge of history and planning, and combines that with practical experience in what works. Over the course of the project, Donna provided excellent advice and specific work plans. She spent a considerable amount of time learning about the organization, its role in the community, mission, and background. Based on that, she developed custom reports, recommendations, and programs. Her recommendations are detailed, specific, and thoughtful.

Donna also took the time to train our core volunteers so they would be more effective and welcoming to our visitors. Her recommendations were practical, immediately useful, and made for a better experience both for everyone involved.

Her written work products are invariably outstanding, not just showing the results of her work, but presenting the research that goes into her work.

I can't recommend her highly enough!"

Janet Halsted

Executive Director, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, 2014

“Donna helped us in the planning stages and also facilitated our two day workshop for the directors of open and accessible Frank Lloyd Wright sites across the country. Because of her broad experience in many different roles in the preservation field she understood well the diversity of experiences offered by house museums, both large and small, as well as the concerns of historic sites with broader missions. Throughout she kept the discussions focused, useful and lively."

Laura Krisov

State Coordinator Michigan Main Street, 2010

“Donna facilitated a fundraising training session for our Main Street managers and volunteers that was outstanding. During the training she was able to using her expertise that she has encountered over the years. The feedback that I have received had lots of great comments about the presentations and group assignments. She also shared great examples that she has put together along with others that she has gathered. I would highly recommend Donna again for this type of training.”

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